James Comey: The Incredible Shrinking Man


By George Rasley, ConservativeHQ.com Editor

James Comey, the towering six-foot-eight-inch figure who fancied himself as Washington’s last honest man, testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee yesterday, and the longer he talked the smaller he became.

His testimony, which was supposed to bring down a President, revealed instead a small-minded bureaucrat with delusions of grandeur who was loyal neither to the President at whose pleasure he served nor to the Constitution he once swore to uphold.

Instead of loyalty to constitutional principles or the law, Comey was revealed to be loyal only to his own outsized sense of entitlement to hold on to power.

At the end of a day that was supposed to be full of high drama, what the world saw was a little man who did nothing but feel “queasy” when Obama’s Attorney General Lorretta Lynch directed him to align his language about the Clinton email investigation with that of the Hillary Clinton for President campaign.

Perhaps the moment that most completely summed-up James Comey’s disgraceful tenure as Director of the FBI was this exchange with Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida:

RUBIO: At the time did you say anything to the president about that [the Flynn investigation], that’s not an appropriate request or tell the White House counsel that is not an appropriate request, someone needs to tell the president that he can’t do these things?

COMEY: I didn’t, no.

RUBIO: Okay. Why?

COMEY: I don’t know. I think the circumstances were such that I was a bit stunned and didn’t have the presence of mind. I don’t want to make it sound like I’m Captain Courageous. I don’t know if I had had the presence of mind I would have said to the president, ‘Sir. that’s wrong.’ I don’t know if I would have in the moment, it didn’t come to my mind. What came to my mind was, be careful what you say. And I said, “I agree Flynn is a good guy.”

A supposedly tough-guy G-man who did nothing when he felt the President was out of line, because he “lacked the presence of mind” to speak-up and tell the President his request for information about an on-going investigation was inappropriate?

In answer to Senator Rubio, James Comey was certainly right, no one will mistake him for one of the heroes of Rudyard Kipling’s novel, Capt. Disko Troop or Manuel Fidello, hard-bitten working men who rescued a young boy lost at sea and taught him about honesty, integrity, hard work and being a man.

However, Comey had the “presence of mind” to lie to his Boss, the President by saying, “I’ll see what I can do” and then writing himself a CYA memo.

And just when we thought James Comey couldn’t get any smaller, he revealed himself to be a coward who engaged in a petty attempt to get back at the President who fired him by leaking memos he purportedly wrote to document his conversations with the President who canned him.

If there was anything in yesterday’s testimony that confirmed the character – or lack thereof – of James Comey it was his tortured explanation of why he leaked, rather than called a news conference to stand-up for himself.

What James Comey said was that he was afraid.

That’s right, the tough G-man, the last honest man in Washington, who compared himself to the martyred Saint Thomas a Beckett, was afraid.

Unlike the martyred Saint Thomas, who stood-up to a king, James Comey admitted he was just a simple coward.

Indeed, if there was a thread that ran through James Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee it was that of his personal and professional cowardice.

And Comey admitted as much to Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein of California.

When Senator Feinstein pressed Comey about his account of a March 30 phone call with President Trump in which Comey alleged that the President asked him “to find a way to get out” that Trump wasn’t personally under investigation. “I told him I would see what we could do,” Comey testified.

“It was kind of a cowardly way of trying to avoid telling him, we’re not going to do that,” he admitted to Feinstein. “It was a way of kind of getting off the phone, frankly.”

So, Comey was too cowardly to tell Loretta Lynch “no” when she demanded he align his communications with that of the Clinton campaign.

Too cowardly to tell President Trump he couldn’t talk to him about the Michael Flynn investigation.

Too cowardly to hold his own press conference about his memos allegedly memorializing his conversations with President Trump.

And too cowardly to tell the President he couldn’t or wouldn’t put the word out that Trump was not personally under investigation regarding the allegations of Russian involvement in the 2016 election.

Perhaps if James Comey had known his Rudyard Kipling a bit better he might have chosen a different metaphor for himself than Captains Courageous, the one where Kipling said, Now, don’t be angry after you’ve been afraid. That’s the worst kind of cowardice. Kipling knew his cowards well, and James Comey’s anger after the fear of losing his power is indeed the worst kind of cowardice.

Reprinted with permission from ConservativeHQ.com



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One Thought to “James Comey: The Incredible Shrinking Man”

  1. Bob

    This guy is a political hack! How we allowed this happen is unreal.
